FBC Gallatin,
Starting in October, we're coming back to our 1st Timothy series titled; "Healthy Church" and picking back up in chapter 2 since we paused the series after completing chapter 1 several months ago.
Every church must look to God’s Word for the Lord’s marching orders regarding what it should be doing to glorify Him and not simply making it up as they go. The sooner churches submit to God and His plan for the church the better for her health and witness. Churches that fail to heed biblical direction will be sick spiritually and won’t glorify God regardless of other appearances. Churches that get first things first and pursue faithfulness to God’s instructions will be healthy and growing spiritually despite worldly expectations. The first 4 sermons are available to watch or listen to online if you'd like to catch up on any that you missed (and here are the outlines below provided for a quick reference):
1 Timothy 1:1-2 "Healthy Church Matters!" - Sermon Points: #1 Healthy Authoritative Church Rules (1)... #2 Healthy Mentoring Priority (2a)... #3 Healthy Gospel Centered Church (2b)... -11/3/23
1 Timothy 1:3-11 "Gospel Swerving" - Sermon Points: #1 Stay and Protect (3-4)... #2 Promote the Aim (57)... #3 Law and Gospel (8-11)... -11/10/23
1 Timothy 1:12-17 "Chief Sinner" - Sermon Points: #1 Former Violent Terrorist (12-14)... #2 Turned Justified Sinner (15)... #3 To Display God's Mercy (16-17)... -1/14/24
1 Timothy 1:18-20 "The Good Warfare" - Sermon Points: #1 Either, warfare faith with a good conscience (18-19a) #2 Or, shipwreck faith with a bad conscience (19b-20)... -1/21/24
Please pray for me as I study to prepare to preach through the rest of 1 Timothy, and pray of all of us to be edified and built up in God’s Word! I’m praying for you as well to be strengthened and equipped through the expositions of God’s Word. In addition to the opportunity to grow through the hearing of God’s Word in our 1 Timothy series. Don’t forget to pray for our Kingdom Kids midweek staring up this month, and feel free to attend our discipleship table talks Thursday nights on the topic of God’s will going through Kevin DeYoung’s book “Just Do Something”, discipleship and counseling video discussion on marriage, and theology talks on the doctrine of salvation.
Pastor Daniel Pelichowski