FBC Gallatin,
It’s that time of year again for your annual reminder to read more Scripture this next year for you good and upbuilding! If we want to grow as Christians but don’t read and meditate on the Bible, we won’t get what we say that we want. Christian maturity and growth is not possible without God’s Word, so make it your goal and resolution to either continue to take up and read God’s Word, or start fresh in a new year to regularly take in Bible truth that transforms lives. Consider the words of D.A. Carson below about the importance of regular Bible intake:
“At their best, Christians have saturated themselves in the Bible. They say with Job, “I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread” (Job 23:12). That comparison was something the children of Israel were meant to learn in the wilderness. We are told that God led them into hunger and fed them with manna to teach them “that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord” (Deut. 8:3)—words quoted by the Lord Jesus when he himself faced temptation (Matt. 4:4). Not only for the book of Revelation may it properly be said, “Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it” (Rev. 1:3). On the night he was betrayed, Jesus Christ prayed for his followers in these terms: “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth” (John 17:17). The means by which God sanctifies men and women, setting them apart as his own people, is the Word of truth.”
If you want to grow spiritually in 2025, one essential means of your growth in sanctification must be the Word of truth transforming your life. The Word and discipleship and biblical counseling help were the first 3 out of 10 goals in the 2024 Pastor’s Report we just considered a week ago for a reason. The Bible is key in the life of the church and in all of our individual Christian lives. Here are the 10 goals by way of reminder in close. We will be posting the report on our website to read under our Newsletters if you’d like to read, or you can watch the message online as well.
Happy New Year FBC!
Pastor Daniel Pelichowski
FBC Gallatin 2024 Church Goals Pastors Report Overview:
1. The Word was Preached
2. People were Discipled
3. People were Counseled
4. Music Ministry Led Worship through Song
5. Pastors Led
6. Deacons Served
7. The Congregation Made Decisions Together
8. Gospel Motivated Giving & Practical Service
9. Fellowship was Cultivated
10. People Were Cared for and Served