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First Baptist Church of Gallatin accepts and adopts as a statement of its Scriptural and Doctrinal Beliefs the Baptist Faith and Message as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 2000. See also our bylaws and covenant. 
                                               Doctrinal Statement

                                               Bylaws & Church Covenant


Jesus told us what is most important -- love God and love people! We strive to live a life that shows what love looks like and to take the Gospel message of God's love to the world to be faithful to the Great Commission. 


Connecting to Christ through...

Loving God (Great Commandment) -- Matt. 22:37-40

Loving Others (Great Commission) -- Matt. 28:19-20

Loving Service (Great Commitment) -- Mark 10:43-45

Handicapped accessible, paved parking and additional parking areas from east and north entry doorways. Fellowship hall with fully equipped kitchen. Nursery provided on lower level.


In two separate sources there is mention of a Baptist church being started sometime before 1855, but no records are known to exist.

In a building on the northeast corner of Clay and Mill Street was a building housing the Masonic Hall with a seminary called the “Daviess County Academy” on the first floor. The Rev. James Tuttle was teaching there and desired to establish a Baptist church. It was in this building that the First Baptist Church of Gallatin was constituted and organized in May, 1855 by elders R.C. Hall and Franklin Graves, who composed the ministerial council.
Elder R.C. Hill was chosen to be moderator and the constitutional sermon was preached
by Elder Franklin Graves, from the text “Upon this Rock will I Build My Church.”


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...about the Civil War Years

...Kenney Chapel Baptist Church

...our 2nd church building (1911-1973)

...additions  and renovations to our current church building



511 West Richardson Street
(5 blocks west of Sandman Motel)

Church Dedicated August 12, 1973 


First Baptist Church of Gallatin is a member of the North Grand River Baptist Association.

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List of pastors serving First Baptist Church of Gallatin:

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2019-20 FBC Officers and Teachers       Read More

Time capsule and trivia in a chronological sequence:

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©2014 First Baptist Gallatin Church. All Rights Reserved.

Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version​© (ESV​©), copyright ​© 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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