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Intentional Discipleship (see photos below): One of our centered church commitments is to build up Christian disciples so that they can reach out to help build up other Christian disciples who make more disciples and so obey Jesus Christ's command to us as a church in the Great Commission which is the mission of the church. To see a sermon on this mission click the following link of the sermon titled "Benefiting from the Discipleship Commission."


*The importance of expository preaching and discipleship and its relationship to the Great Commission in our particular local church was explored in the sermon series at FBC Gallatin titled Centered Commitments.


*After our initial launch of our discipleship table talks in the Fall of 2021, a three part series on Intentional Discipleship was preached about doing spiritual good to one another by pointing men, women, and children to Jesus.


Table Talks: Round table co-ed theological interactive discussions on various topics led by pastor Daniel. The plan for these table talks was introduced in two sermons in that series titled Intentional Discipleship and The Great Commission.


Meeting Semesters: Fall Semester & Spring Semester (2 month (~8 meetings) blocks with large breaks in between)

Meeting Time: Thursday's 5:30-7:30pm


Meeting Requirements: Read short weekly theology and other ministry related books based on the particular semesters theme. Both men and women are invited and participation is completely voluntary and though each topic and semester builds off of each other, it is designed to easily drop in and out of it as needed since each semester stands alone without the need of prior table talks in order to benefit. In fact, each meeting has that same "stand-alone" feel to it so anyone can benefit attending any table talk meeting, but completing the reading for the discussions, and continued attendance within the semester has the greatest value to the participants, however, anyone can attend any week whether they signed up and did the reading or not as  the meetings are led in an accessible way even if you haven't completed the reading.


Meeting Details: Watch a short video from The Institute for Biblical Counseling & Discipleship (IBCD) on a variety of topics (see below) related to the Christian life and discuss/apply, theology reading discussion from R.C. Sproul's "Everyone's a Theologian," and then also discuss ministry related topics based on the book theme of the semester (see below).


Pastor Daniel will have prepared questions written on a whiteboard based on the weekly reading and will lead the discussion, take notes along the way, and then provide a weekly photo of the notes for an added resource that the group can keep for review which will be sent to everyone in the group on our FBC Gallatin Discord Channel (Discord is a communication platform with mobile or online applications for group collaboration and discussion).


Getting the Gospel Right Fall 2021 (9/9—11/18/2021)

IBCD Care & Discipleship Videos, R.C. Sproul - "Everyone's a Theologian", Milton Vincent - "Gospel Primer"

Healthy Church Spring 2022 (2/17—4/14/2022)

IBCD Care & Discipleship Videos, R.C. Sproul - "Everyone's a Theologian", Mark Dever - "What is a Healthy Church?"

Rediscover Church Fall 2022 (9/22/22 — 11/17/2022)

IBCD Care & Discipleship Videos, R.C. Sproul - "Everyone's a Theologian", Jonathan Leeman - "Rediscover Church"

Evangelism Spring 2023 (3/9—4/27/2023)

IBCD Care & Discipleship Videos, R.C. Sproul - "Everyone's a Theologian", Mack Stiles - "Evangelism"

Apologetics (Cults) Fall 2023 (9/28—11/16/2023)

Caring Well for the Abused Videos, R.C. Sproul - "Everyone's a Theologian", Walter Martin - "The Kingdom of the Cults"

Discipling Spring 2024 (4/4—5/30/2024)

IBCD Care & Discipleship Videos, R.C. Sproul - "Everyone's a Theologian", Thaddeus Williams - "Don't Follow Your Heart"

Putting the Whole Bible Together Fall 2024

How to Study Your Bible? Spring 2025

Understanding God’s Will Fall 2025

Biblical Manhood & Womanhood Spring 2026

Gospel Centered Marriage Fall 2026

Gospel Centered Parenting Spring 2027

Work & Calling Fall 2027

More Discipleship Topics Forthcoming… 




Table Talks: We watch half of these lectures each week and discuss and apply it to our lives and ministries.


IBCD (Institute for Biblical Counseling & Discipleship) Care & Discipleship Training Videos Level 1

1.   What is Biblical Counseling? (Part 1) Fall 2021

2.   What is Biblical Counseling? (Part 2) Fall 2021

3.   What is Biblical Counseling? (Part 3) Fall 2021

4.   General Principles of Biblical Counseling (Part 1) Fall 2021

5.   General Principles of Biblical Counseling (Part 2) Spring 2022

6.   General Principles of Biblical Counseling (Part 3) Spring 2022

7.   How Do People Change? (Part 1) Spring 2022

8.   How Do People Change? (Part 2) Spring 2022

9.   Theology of Biblical Counseling Fall 2022

10. Peacemaking (Part 1) Fall 2022

11. Peacemaking (Part 2) Fall 2022

12. Peacemaking (Part 3) Fall 2022

13. Grace When Things Are Hard Spring 2023

14. Anger/Abuse Spring 2023

15. Depression Spring 2023

16. Worry/Anxiety Spring 2023

17. Fear Spring 2023

18. Temptation (Part 1) Spring 2024

19. Temptation (Part 2) Spring 2024

20. Understanding the Influences of Nature and Nurture Spring 2024


IBCD (Institute for Biblical Counseling & Discipleship) Care & Discipleship Training Videos Level 2

21.  The Divine Design for Marriage

22.  Transforming Grace in Marriage Roles (Part 1)

23.  Transforming Grace in Marriage Roles (Part 2)

24.  Keys to Preserving and Strengthening Your Marriage

25.  Solving Marriage Problems: Conflict Resolution and Communication

26.  Solving Marriage Problems: Finances

27.  From Idol to Blessing (Part 1)

28.  From Idol to Blessing (Part 2)

29.  Counseling in Cases of Separation, Divorce, and Remarriage

30.  What’s Medical About Mental Illness?

31.  Caring for People With a Psychological Diagnosis

32.  Parenting is More than a Formula (Part 1)

33.  Parenting is More than a Formula (Part 2)

34.  Dealing with Rebellious Teens: When “Good Kids” Make Bad Choices

35.  You Never Stop Being a Parent: Parenting Your Adult Children

36.  Knowing God’s Will

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