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Glorifying God by Building up and Reaching out
The goal of all of our ministries at FBC Gallatin is to glorify God and to build up the church (Ephesians 4). We are committed to expository preaching, intentional discipleship, and the Great Commission.
>> Sunday Morning Bible Studies
Come connect to us as we study the Word of God together. We offer Bible Studies for all age groups Sunday mornings starting at 9:30 a.m. and other Bible Studies meet throughout the week as well.
>> Morning Worship Service
We assemble together as a local body of believers to offer our praise to God, pray together, testify to what the Lord is doing in our lives, and proclaim the truths of God's Word every Sunday morning at 10:40 a.m. We welcome you to join us in the Spirit as we worship the Lord. Jesus said, "But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." (John 4:23-24)
>> Monthly Evening Prayer Service
We are a praying church. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says, "Pray without ceasing." We pray for each other in our Bible Studies, services, and other ministries of the church, and we have a prayer chain as well for immediate needs. We also pray together corporately during our Sunday evening monthly prayer worship service on the 1st Sunday evening of the month at 6pm.
>> Intentional Discipleship Table Talks
One of our centered church commitments is to build up Christian disciples so that they can reach out to help build up other Christian disciples who make more disciples. These table talks are round table co-ed theological interactive discussions on various topics led by pastors on Thursday nights during the Fall & Spring semesters. Click the following link for more information: Intentional Discipleship Table Talks
>> Biblical Counseling
Part of discipleship includes Christians caring for one another with the everyday problems that people face and local churches should be a place that Christian's help one another with various burdens (Galatians 6:1-2). The pastors of FBC are not only committed to intentional discipleship as indicated above, but also to both the public teaching ministry of the Word and the personal ministry of the Word as well (Acts 20:20). Please reach out if you would like counseling care for whatever problems you may be facing.
>> Meaningful Church Membership
Those who are seeking mutual accountability and commitment in their Christian life should seek to regularly gather and utilize their gifts in a local church that best aligns with their convictions (see the sermon series "Centered Commitments" for our convictions as a church). Members of FBC Gallatin agree to live out the Christian life by God's grace and help and abide by our church covenant which is a summary of "Christianity 101" and the basics of the Christian life. Members also seek to uphold the doctrine of our church as outlined in the BF&M 2000. In addition to participating in our weekly worship gatherings on the Lord's Day, Church members meet monthly (2nd Sunday Evening of the month) to plan and work together and use our gifts to partner in the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4). For more information on the benefits of meaningful membership you can check out the sermon series titled "Understanding Ordinances & Membership" as well as the teaching series "Understanding our Church Covenant" and "Understanding Our Church Doctrine." Please reach out to the pastors if you are interested in becoming a member of FBC Gallatin, and you can also read, watch, and listen to the identified memberships material on membership information page and the pastors will look forward to meet with you and discuss with you further.
>> Children's Ministry
During months while school is in session, we hope to encourage the spiritual life of children through Pioneer Clubs where the Bible is taught and memorized, songs are sung, games are played, and a meal is shared together. We also have Sunday school classes available for all ages before service and a class for our littlest one's during the service (kindergarten and younger) though all ages of children are welcome to stay with their parents during the worship service as well. In the Summer, we have also have weeklong Vacation Bible School in the evenings with Bible teaching, games, and even provide a meal each evening to start it off!

>> REACH Youth Ministry
As a ministry, we exist to see the students of Gallatin see Him. Outreach events, mission-minded activities, Bible studies and more are involved with this ministry targeting students in grades 7-12. Youth ministry is led by Bro. Wood Marshall., assisted by his wife, Ashley. Scheduled meetings occur each Wednesday from 5:30-7:30 p.m. and Sunday mornings 9:30-10:30 a.m.
>> Men's Ministries
We encourage men to and grow in Christ, within their family, and in their relationships with one another. Our men's ministry (Brotherhood) meets at various times throughout the year for fellowship gatherings, service projects, or other discipleship opportunities.
>> Women's Ministries
Women in our church family are active in a wide varieties of service, both to others and to each other. Women's Bible studies are regularly scheduled as well as special events. Women's Retreats, are an important part of ministries particularly organized and presented for women. In addition, church deacons annually host a Naomi Banquet, reaching out to church family widows.
>> Music Ministry
The FBC Celebration Choir is open to anyone attending church who loves to sing for the Lord, ages 7th grade and up. The choir aids in leading worship music each Sunday morning the year around and presents special music in the service every 2 to 3 months. Music styles during the worship service range from contemporary to southern gospel to traditional. Praise and worship contemporary style musicals are presented at Christmas and Easter. Rehearsals are in the church worship center each Tuesday night at 7 p.m. from mid-August to mid-May. To join the choir, contact director Linda Arnold at 660-663-2203.
>> North Grand River Association
First Baptist Gallatin was a member of the Daviess County Baptist Association in 1901 and then the Daviess-Harrison Association until 1970 when the congregation voted to unite with the North Grand River Association of Southern Baptist churches.
>> Extension Services
We join other churches in the area to provide worship services for residents at Daviess County Nursing & Rehab in Gallatin. Worship services are normally scheduled each Thursday.
>> Gallatin Ministerial Alliance
Our church is a member of the Gallatin Ministerial Alliance, where local churches unite to conduct community-wide worship services on Good Friday and the Sunday evening leading up to Thanksgiving. Special offerings taken at these times help to meet qualifying benevolent requests.