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Stained Glass_Psalm 100_web.jpg

Message in Stained Glass

This window above the baptistry symbolizes Psalm 100.

The trumpets at the top suggest, “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.”


The chi rho symbol, the symbol for Christ, illustrates the second verse, “Serve the Lord with gladness, come before his presence with singing.”


“Know ye the Lord is God,” is illustrated with the right hand enclosed in a tri-radiant nimbus, the most often used symbol of God.


“It is He that hath made us,” is symbolized by the six-pointed star, known as the Creator’s star, signifying the creation of the world in six days.


“We are his people and the sheep of his pasture.” The two green symbols are ancient symbols for man and woman. The crossed shepherd’s staff forms a chi rho, symbol for Christ, the shepherd of the flock.


“Enter …His …gates …courts with praise” is illustrated with the lyre or harp.


“Bless His name” is symbolized by the equilateral triangle with rays. This is a symbol of the divine and with the Hebrew letter that stands for Jehovah, a name the ancient Hebrew felt too sacred to write.


“The Lord is good” is illustrated by an angel sent by God to watch over His people.


“His mercy is everlasting; His truth endureth to all generations.” This is illustrated by an open Bible surrounded by a circle, the symbol of eternity. The lamp suggests the light that spreads the gospel to all generations.

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Jesus Christ,
the center of all creation.


This window, now prominently
displayed in the Fellowship Hall,
was originally a part of the
church building which was in use from 1911 until 1973.

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