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Glorifying God by Building up and Reaching out
Time Capsule Trivia
1884 – donations collected for the year totaled $18.07
1897 – the Ladies Aid Society organized
1904 – donations collected for the year totaled $62.63
1910 – Women’s Missionary Society of First Baptist Church of Gallatin organized
1913 – deacons voted to install a hitching rack around the church
1914 – donations collected for the year totaled $113.63
1915 – A.T. Ray retired from the position of Sunday School superintendent, a position he held for 35 years
1918 – the church’s annual budget totaled $1,600: salary $1100, organist $150, janitor $100, utilities $100, missions $100, improvements $50
1924 – the church voted to install a telephone in the pastor’s study; the cost for a full year of service was $20.90
1929 – the Ladies Aid Society and the Missionary Society were united
1961 – Sunday School attendance on the last week of October was 183 with 150 at morning worship; Bro. Kenneth Kelley says the attendance goal
for Sunday School should be 225
1976 – Bicentennial Day was observed on Aug. 8, 1976 (celebrating 106 years of Baptist work); church membership on this day was 496
2002 – Construction to expand the worship sanctuary was completed
2007 – a proposal to expand the church building failed to materialize
2011 – Kitchen remodeling improve facilities to near commercial grade
2014 – first Minister of Students specified as a paid church office position after years of youth development efforts by volunteers and parents