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2019-2020 Officers and Teachers


Associational Board Member -- Stan Ray

Treasurer -- Renee Hood

Assistant Treasurer -- Pam Howard

Financial Secretary -- Julie Willett, Linda Critten

Church Clerk -- Debbie Heldenbrand

Assistant Church Clerk -- Vicki Henderson

Sound System  Chairman -- Vicki Henderson

Assistant Sound System -- Linda Arnold, Micah & Whitney Sidebottom, Wood Marshall, Jacob Sanford

AM Congregational Song Leader -- Mike Henderson

AM Assist Congregation Song Leader -- Jeremy Ripple

Adult Choir Director -- Linda Arnold

Kids Praise Children’s Choir Director -- Angel Critten

Kids Praise Children’s Choir Asst. Director -- 

Organist AM -- Sharon Burke

Assistant Organist AM -- Abbey Wilson

Organist PM -- Sharon Burke

Pianist AM/PM -- Renee Hood

Assistant Pianist AM/PM -- Liz Wilkinson

Evening Song Leader -- Linda Arnold

Head Usher -- Junior Burke

Assistant Ushers -- Eric Corwin, Tim Osborn,  Biggs Osborn, Mike Henderson

Facility Manager -- Rick Willett

Assistant Facility Managers -- Micah Sidebottom, Junior Burke

VBS Director -- Sharon Burke

Assistant VBS Director -- Angel Michael

Sunday Coffee/Fellowship Committee -- Burl & Doris Tranbarger, Stan & Denise Ray, Jeremy Ripple

Discipleship Training Committee -- Micah Sidebottom



General Director -- Tim Osborn

Assistant Director -- Rick Willett

General Secretary -- Liz Wilkinson

General Secretary Substitute -- Myrlene Heldenbrand, Tim Osborn

Pre-School Department:

Nursery/Pre-School Director -- Mandi Ripple

2 and 3 Year Old Teacher -- Amber and Larry Adams / Abbey Wilson

4 and 5 Year Old Teacher -- Whitney Sidebottom

Children’s Department:

1st, 2nd and 3rd Grade Teacher -- Scott Earnst

4th, 5th and 6th Grade Teacher -- Whitney Sidebottom

Children's Department Substitute -- Shirley Roach, Shelly Sims

Youth Department

Youth Teacher -- Wood and Ashley Marshall

Youth Substitute Teacher -- Jason Henry

Adult Department

College and Career Teacher -- Rick Willett

College and Career/Alpha-Omega Substitute Teacher -- Micah Sidebottom

Truth Seekers Teacher -- Jeremy Ripple

Truth Seekers Substitute Teacher -- Micah Sidebottom

Koinonia Teacher -- Stan Ray

Koinonia Substitute Teacher -- Eric Kloepping

New Life Teacher -- Darryl Wilkinson

New Life Substitute Teachers -- Darrell Critten, Doug Laney

Golden Circle/Anthenian Teacher -- Burl Trambarger

Golden Circle/Athenian Substitute Teacher -- Jim Ruse



Brotherhood Director -- Micah Sidebottom

WMU Director -- Shelly Sims

Student Ministry Team -- Wood Marshall, Jason Henry, Chris Diaz



Pioneer Club Leaders -- Shellie King, Scott Earnst


DEACONS   (Active)

Jim Ruse, Greg Macy, Junior Burke, Darrell Critten, Eric Corwin, Eric Kloepping, Darryl Wilkinson, Stan Ray,  Bob Sharp, Mike Henderson, Micah Sidebottom



1-Year: Rick Willett (Chairman), Sherri Earnst

2-Year: Scott Earnst, Doug Laney

3-Year: Jason Henry, Lance Critten



Lord’s Supper -- Greg and Barbara Macy, Stan and Denise Ray

Baptism -- R.G. and Norma Curtis

Flowers -- Julie Osborn, Lori Willett

Wedding Gift -- Julie Osborn

Librarians -- Shirley Roach

Bus/Van Ministry & Bus Maintenance -- Lori Willett, Scott Earnst, Denise Ray, Tim Osborn

Auditing Committee -- Nathan Woodward, Shelly Sims

Extension Committee -- Julie Willett, Shelly Sims, Sharon Burke

Special Music AM Committee -- Linda Arnold, Mary Sullenger, Mandi Ripple

Funeral Serving Committee -- Lori Kloepping

Social Committee -- Shelly Sims, Veda Heldenbrand, Shirley Roach,  Myrlene Heldenbrand, Peggy Brown, Sheila Ruse



1-Year: Shelly Sims, Rikki Dungy

2-Year: Denise Ray, Vicki Henderson, Micah Sidebottom 

3-Year: Shannon McBroom, Jim Ruse



Nursery Coordinator (Babies -2yr) -- Mandi Ripple

Sunday School Director -- Tim Osborn

Deacon -- Micah Sidebottom

Father of Nursery Age Child -- Larry Adams

Mother of Nursery Age Child -- Amber Adams

Pastor -- Bro. Dan Pelichowski



Pastor -- Bro. Daniel Pelichowski

Sunday School Director -- Tim Osborn

WMU Director -- Shelly Sims

Brotherhood Director -- Micah Sidebottom

Choir Director -- Linda Arnold

Chairman of Social Committee -- Shelly Sims


Long Range Planning Committee

1-Year: Tim Osborn, Denise Ray

2-Year: Shelly Sims, Jeremy Ripple

3-Year: Liz Wilkinson, Micah Sidebottom, Shannon McBroom


Nominating Committee

1-Year: Denise Ray, Jeremy Ripple

2-Year: Angel Michael, Mike Henderson

3-Year: Linda Critten, Linda Arnold


Sunday School Director -- Tim Osborn

WMU Director -- Shelly Sims

Brotherhood Director -- Micah Sidebottom


Miscellaneous Coordinators

Guest Hospitality Coordinator -- Shelia Ruse

Meals on Wheels Coordinator -- Julie Willett

Prayer Chain Coordinator -- Denise Ray

Keenagers Coordinators -- Doug and Shirley Laney

Wee Worship Coordinator -- Whitney Sidebottom


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