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Pastor's Report 2024

Writer's picture: Daniel PelichowskiDaniel Pelichowski

First Baptist Church of Gallatin (Presented 12-29-24)

Pastor’s Report (Ministry Year End Report 2024):

#1 The Word was Preached:

2 Timothy 4:1-2 I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.

Sunday Morning Worship Services:

o   Glorifying God: Three sermons on the topic of glorifying God in all things, even in suffering, and also seeking to glorify God and avoiding idolatry with the good things of earth.

o   Matthew 19-28 Kingdom Sacrifice Began the 3rd and final series in Matthew leading towards the end of Jesus’ ministry with 15 sermons and pausing the series at Matthew 23.

o   The 7 C’s of Biblical History: A sermon on Romans 8 coinciding with the Answers in Genesis VBS Summer theme on God’s plan of salvation in biblical history.

o   Religious Hard Hearts: Multiple sermons stemmed from challenging truths from Matthew 23, moving on to 1 Corinthians 11 and “Redeeming Contentious Communion,” and then a sermon on Genesis 50 titled; “God turned it for good” about Joseph’s suffering and God’s providence through it all.

o   Ephesians 4 Sermons on the way Christ builds His Church: Following directly after the 3 sermons above, we were reminded about God’s plan for the church and the properly working parts that consist of the church in godly members meaningfully involved in the life of the church.

o   1st Timothy: “Healthy Church” After pausing the Matthew series we went back to Paul’s letter to Timothy about how the Church should conduct itself with 7 expositions to end the year and even having a couple of Q&A’s on the topics of elders and deacons and healthy godly women.

o   Individual Sermons - Multiple one-off single sermons were preached from different passages by various preachers on Sunday morning (Pastor Wood, Scott Earnst, Keith Corrick, Kyle Taft, & Pastor Daniel). Sermon texts ranged from Good Friday and Easter sermons, hope in eternity from 1st Peter 1, Battle of the Gods from 1 Kings 18, The God of all Comfort from 2 Corinthians, Desperate Prayer from Mark 14, worship from Psalm 117, Marriage from Ephesians 5, Legalism from Colossians 2, A Daniel Autobiographical sermon from a Daniel look alike, Satan’s Devices at Church from 2 Timothy 2, Christmas War from Revelation 12, and the eternal Word from John 1.

Sunday Evening Sermons (& the congregation responded in prayer):

o In 2024, various shorter sermons were preached during our evening prayers service by pastor Daniel, pastor Wood.

o Sermon ranging from Romans 3, 1 Samuel, Luke 16, Colossians 3, 1 Peter 2, 1 Corinthians 1, and 1 Peter 5. We even added two Q&A times on the topics of elders and deacons and godly women.  

Members Meetings:

o   New Schedule Update: Due to the congregational vote changing members meetings from 12 evening monthly meetings to 5 total meetings with more meetings in the morning, and due to the fact that both the Church Covenant (5 sermons) and Church Doctrine (19 sermons) series’ have both been completed in prior years, we no longer have the teaching time during our members meetings due to most of them being after morning service where preaching has already occurred.

Reach Youth Group:

Pastor Wood taught through the Gospel Project in various bible passages…

Pastor Wood also did Q&A and provided various avenues for prayer and interaction regarding the Word and life for the students.

Topical Lessons: various other topical lessons given.

#2 People were Discipled:

Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

·         Co-ed Intentional Discipleship Table Talks: Two additional co-ed table talks semesters (Spring & Fall 2024), 16 new 2-hour meetings on the topics of cultural apologetics going through the book “Don’t Follow Your Heart” and then turning to the topic of God’s Will in the book “Just Do Something”, and also dealing with doctrinal discussions on the Holy Spirit and the doctrine of salvation, and also discipleship topics of temptation and then marriage roles. Well over 32 hours of discipleship ministry.

·         Sunday School Bible Studies: 3 adult co-ed classes (taught by Jeremy Ripple, & Rick Willet, Stan Ray, 2 children’s classes (taught by Scott Earnst & Mandi Ripple and Whitney and Stacy joined in to start our Kingdom Kids Sunday Morning class going through the Biggest Picture Storybook Bible curriculum), and one youth class (taught by Wood Marshall) with great teaching, discussion, prayer and fellowship in all of them!

·         Weekly staff devotions: with (Daniel, Wood, Bobbi, & Ashley).

·         Wednesday Pioneer Clubs and then the New Kingdom Kids: With great teaching, discipleship, and evangelism and fun with the Word of God!

·         Wednesday Reach Youth Group: Weekly meetings splitting the Jr. High and Highschoolers for teaching, discipleship, evangelism (Wood, Ashley, & Chris finished the year and ministry strong!). 

·         Youth & Children’s Camp: Wonderful Word centered memorization and bonding fun for counselors and students for multiple days and nights to God’s glory!

·         Vacation Bible School theme on the 7 C’s of Biblical History walking through the storyline of Scripture to see God’s eternal plan of redemption past and future…

·         Some church members attended and many were invited to the 9Marks conference at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in April of 2024 on the topic of church membership followed by some good food and fellowship…

·         Daniel attended the first pastors conference at Christ Covenant Church in North Carolina called Coram Deo with pastor friends for edification and fellowship.  

·         Deacons Meeting – Rick taught edifying monthly devotions at the start of our meetings.

·         Keenagers – Monthly edifying teaching and discussion led by Doug & Shirley Laney on a variety of very encouraging and helpful biblical topics…  

·         Pastor Daniel & Wood had a weekly pastor’s meeting for service review, service planning, pastoral leadership discussion, and prayer for our church...

·         Pastor Wood had a regular phone meeting with another pastor he has been encouraging in his ministry.

·         Pastor Daniel continued regular life and ministry conversations of encouragement and sharpening with pastor friends.

·         Pastor Daniel & Wood - Practical Shepherding Bi-Monthly Level-2 Cohort Meeting with other pastors and a pastor mentor led by Brian Croft in 2024 (about 15 online zoom-call meetings or personal mentoring calls for support and encouragement).

·         Pastor Daniel & Wood went to the Small-Town Pastors Day Conference with our DOM Keith Corrick and other local area pastors.

·         Daniel – Completed the required CEU (Continued Education Units) required by ACBC (Association of Certified Biblical Counselors) to maintain ACBC certification and continue to develop in personal discipleship and counseling ministry and care…

#3 People were Counseled:

Acts 20:20 how I did not shrink from declaring to you anything that was profitable, and teaching you in public and from house to house,

·         Pastors are not only called to the public ministry of the Word, but also the personal ministry of the Word to particular issues and problems of people’s lives… 

·         In 2020 (for reference), Pastor Daniel counseled 7 different individual or family units (either individual, married couple, or married couple with children), 10 people, 48 formal counseling meetings (ranging anywhere from 1 to 2 hours… Well over 60 hours of biblical counseling ministry…

·         In 2021 (for reference), Pastor Daniel counseled 14 different individual or family units (either individual, married couple, or married couple with children), 25 people, 75 formal counseling meetings (ranging from 1 - 2 hours… Well over 90 hours of biblical counseling ministry… 40 of these counseling meetings were supervised by a more seasoned mentor pastor… 

·         In 2022 (for reference), Pastor Daniel Counseled 31 different individual or family units (either individual, married, couple, or married couple with children), 43 people, ~110 formal counseling meetings (ranging from 1 - 2 hours… Well over 150 hours of biblical counseling ministry…10 of these counseling meetings were supervised by a more seasoned mentor pastor in completion of ACBC certification…

·         In 2023, Pastor Daniel Counseled 26 different individual or family units (either individual, married, couple, or married couple with children for at least one but usually multiple meetings), 35 people, ~ 101 counseling meetings (ranging from 1 – 2+ hours… Well over 150 hours of biblical counseling ministry…

·         In 2024, Pastor Daniel provided counsel and crisis care throughout the year in various settings and for different reasons. Less formal counseling in 2024, but a variety of personal ministry care and counseling ministry nonetheless. 28 either individual or family units (either individual counsel, or married couple, or family etc), approximately 106 meetings of various kinds, approximately over 250 plus hours of overall counseling and discipleship and crisis care of various kinds…

·         In 2020-2021 (for reference), Pastor Wood counseled 2 different couples for premarital counseling, total of 4 people, 15 formal counseling meetings for about 20 hours of counseling care.

·         In 2022 (for reference), Pastor Wood counseled 6 different individual or family units, and then several youth informal counseling conversations topics from school pressures, family dynamics and conflict, aftermath and prevention of suicide, handling bullies, peer pressure, crisis situations and more for countless hours of counsel and care.

·         In 2023, Pastor Wood counseled 9 different individual or family units, and then several youth informal counseling conversations topics from school pressures, family dynamics and conflict, aftermath and prevention of suicide, handling bullies, peer pressure, crisis situations, other religions/cults and more for countless hours of counsel and care. In addition to those, he also held 5 formal counseling meetings for 2 family units. In the year he also mentored/discipled 2 younger men. One seeking wisdom in a current ministry context and another pursuing ministry. Each one met or called weekly for 1-3 hours.

·         In 2024, Pastor Wood finished off his vocational ministry at FBC with personal counseling and discipleship care focus with various contacts and care throughout the year…

#4 Music Ministry Led Us in Worship Through Song:

Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

·         Led us in weekly God glorifying music!

·         Celebration choir potlucks and training.

·         Many God glorifying rehearsals!  

·         2 Cantatas (Easter & Christmas).

·         Good Friday & Thanksgiving Community Choir Services.

·         Community Choir Christmas Concert!

#5 Pastors Led:

Acts 20:28 “Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.”

·         The pastors led preaching/teaching, discipleship, and counseling care ministry.

·         Weekly pastors’ meetings to pray for the congregation, encourage one another, discuss discipleship ministry in the church, review the previous service & sermons, and plan new future services and ministry, and pray for our church.

·         The pastors planned and led the worship services as God has called them to do.

·         The pastors led the monthly prayer service.

·         Pastors led our members meetings.

·         In 2024, Daniel led our fourth annual childcare workers children's safety training and awareness meeting.

·         The pastors led us in our church mission and centered commitments (Expository Preaching, Intentional Discipleship, & the Great Commission)…

·         Pastors led us to continue to support and consider Great Commission Gospel Motivated partnerships, missionary opportunities, and partnerships (IMB, NAMB, MBC, the Hills, the Parkinson’s)…

·         Pastors led administratively with website content, YouTube sermon channel, podcast, audio sermon website, social media, church sign, various meetings, church activities, and other initiatives scheduled, planned, and oversaw them with the help of many others also being involved like our church secretary, committee members, and overall church membership involvement. 

·         Pastors also led in SBC association involvement attending and being involved in our NGRBA annual meeting (Daniel served as the Moderator and led that meeting this year for the first time) and other meetings, watching the National Convention annual meeting online to take notes and be aware of action items relating to our church, resources, and initiatives in our denomination…

·         Pastors led our renewed way forward through multiple meetings and planning and praying and even biblical confrontation, sermons, members meetings, Wood’s formal pastoral resignation warning letter, and overall leading through transition and conflict…

#6 Deacons Served:

1 Timothy 3:13 For those who serve well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves and also great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.

·         Deacons served as they became aware of needs through the contact and care lists. 

·         Intercessory Prayer & Gospel Motivated Giving weekly prayers.  

·         Monthly Deacons Meetings to care for practical service needs in the church.

·         Served by greeting, ushering, and passing along and responding to prayer needs as they were made aware.

·         Served by planning the Naomi Banquet planning to honor our widows.

·         Participated and served during the annual Christmas Eve candlelight service.  

·         Deacons met needs to free up the elder/pastors for prayer and the ministry of the Word.

·         Deacons praying and leading towards unity.


#7 The Congregation Made Decisions Together (Keys of the Kingdom-Matt 16;18):

Matthew 18:18-20 Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.  For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”

·         The congregation met for regular and specially called members meetings to address key areas of church life together to participate in the life and ministry of our church!

·         The congregation gathered weekly to hear the Word and also applied it and shared it with others in our church and community to the glory of God! Being built up in the Word to then reach out as our church mission statement puts it!  

·         The congregation responded to God’s Word with biblical actions and accountability.

·         The congregation made key decisions together such as blessing pastor Wood with generous 6 months’ severance after a challenging transition.

·         The congregation deliberated along with finance committee support wise financial cut-backs to wisely navigate changing times



#8 The Congregation Supported in Gospel Motivated Giving & Practical Service:

2 Corinthians 9:7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

·         Our members generously gave to provide for the salaries of 4 staff employees including two pastors, a church secretary, and custodian.

·         Our members have continued to regularly, generously, and sacrificially give to maintain and grow ministry at FBC motivated by the Gospel!!! 

·         Special missions’ offerings MMO, Annie Armstrong, Lottie Moon, a certain percentage of our monthly giving went to the state and national Cooperative Program giving of the SBC, another percentage given to the NGRBA local association, a portion of our giving was sent directly to the Parkison Family in Abu Dhabi including other members giving directly to them on top of that.

·         Members participated in our bi-annual Ministerial Alliance giving for local benevolence care in our community.

·         Trustees regularly fixed and maintained our church building and parsonage, installed windows in the doors for better childcare safety. They have decided to take on additional care of our trash to save money on our budget next year, and also take on the lawn care for the church and parsonage as well to help our budget for the entire year!  

#9 The Congregation Cultivated Fellowship:

1 John1:3 that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.

•    Potluck meals (Easter Breakfast, Year End Christmas Dinner coinciding with our annual budget members meeting). Shout out to the social committee!!! 

·         Social committee provided cookies and punch and hot cocoa for our Christmas concert!

•     Lake Viking Potluck Cookout fellowship & pool and beach fun overlooking the lake.  

•     Keenagers monthly meal and fellowship and teaching led by the Laney’s!

•     Women’s ministry third annual Christmas gathering event!

•     Brotherhood had a wonderful day at the baseball field with fellowship and fun.

•     Superbowl fellowship gathering and devotion at halftime.

•     Summer Bash participation -  Where we helped put together and provide an obstacle course for the community.

•     Multiple Reach Youth Group Outings & Events: Nerf Nights, Hide and Clap, laser tag…

•     Wood and Ashley attended sporting events, band competitions, and miscellaneous school events

·         Church fantasy football league fellowship and fun…

•     Pioneer Club meetings & then Kingdom Kids cultivating fellowship amongst leaders as well as discipleship and witnessing opportunities with the students.

•     VBS provided 6 nights of fellowship amongst students and leaders, end of summer family night, and fellowship and fun at the pool party at the country club pool.


#10 The Congregation Cared for One Another & Served Together

Philippians2:3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,

·         Monthly Congregational Prayer Services... 

·         Prayer chain email and text updates for congregational prayer and care.

·         Meals provided during Pioneer club, youth nights, and all week during VBS. 

·         Meal trains for those in need.

·         Members cared for hurting fellow church members in various ways to God’s glory…

·         Members participated in meals on wheels.

·         Kingdom Kids Ministry helped provide many gifts for operation Christmas Child…

·         Youth group clothing, food, school supplies given.

·         Members provided generously for benevolence needs as they saw the need to God’s glory!

·         Hospital visitations, home fellowship, & hospitality amongst church members all year!

·         Funerals were conducted by pastors, and the hospitality provided by the social committee who prepared meals to care for and show love for grieving families…  

·         Benevolence help distributed through FBC Gallatin. And also, through our Ministerial Alliance cooperation.  



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