FBC Gallatin,
Now that I’m no longer a rookie in Missouri the ice cancellation in January wasn’t as big of a surprise as it was in 2020 when we had back-to-back weeks cancelled due to weather right when I got here. I was excited to start our series on our Centered Commitments so delaying it a week was a bummer but I’m glad we were able to get through the rest of the 4-part series in January.
Thinking and praying about our church and considering how the Bible directs us as a church has been so encouraging. I’m glad we were able to spend time considering these things together a year after I began as your pastor. Sometimes it’s just helpful to have a big picture vision about what God has called us to do as a church so we can refocus on what matters most for us as here at FBC Gallatin.
I look forward to leading our church alongside pastor Wood and with all of you towards these key commitments and central goal of glorifying God by building up and reaching out. So that we would continue to put forward our commitments to expository preaching, intentional discipleship, and the Great Commission! These great tasks require even greater devotion and dependence on God in prayer so would you join me in praying for our church as we seek to be faithful in prioritizing and putting forward these centered commitments?
And as we enter February together, I’m glad we get to witness another back-to-back experience other than the weather cancellations. That is, we get another opportunity to cheer on the home team Kansas City Chiefs in the Superbowl for a second year in a row! Last year we had our first annual Super Bowl fellowship in our fellowship hall and many of us watched the big game on the projector and had fun games for the kids, good food, and enjoyed watching the big come-back! We look forward to another opportunity to do that together again this year and hopefully watch the Chiefs “run it back!” We will be having an evangelistic gospel half time devotion as well so please feel free to invite any friends who might not have a spot to watch the game and who might want to watch it on a big screen with other Chiefs fans at our church.
Starting in February, we will also be picking back up in our Matthew series in “Kingdom Come” in chapter 3 and beyond this month as well so get ready to move from Jesus’ birth that we considered during Christmas, to his early life and ministry. Please pray for me as I prepare and study the Word to preach to our church week in and out because I need your prayers and we need God’s mighty work in all of our hearts as we come in contact once again with God’s powerful Word! I pray that we would be Word centered, Gospel centered, and disciple centered in all we do as we glorify God by building up disciples and reaching out to make new disciples by God’s grace.
Pastor Daniel Pelichowski