FBC Gallatin,
I just want to start by thanking you for your warm welcome of our family! I know firsthand that so many of you were praying for us in our travels as I received text messages and Facebook messages along the way during our drive and transition from California to Missouri. Not to mention, the very kind video phone call the week before we arrived when you sung me happy birthday while we were on the road. We are thankful and blessed to have a church family who was already praying for and encouraging us before we even arrived!
We are also very thankful for you helping us in our move and for your very generous special offering and for the cards we received in the mail helping us in our move. That was very kind of you. And to top it all off, the very gracious “pounding” that you blessed us with was such a surprise and very helpful to us as we were setting up our home. We’ve been continuing to enjoy great food and very warm blankets and have even shoveled our first snow thanks to your generosity! I also want to thank those of you who helped us unload the trailer with all of our belongings. It was such a great turnout of church members to help us that everything was unloaded and setup in the home very quickly due to all the great help! Thank you!
Now as we look to start a new month together, I am excited for the blessings ahead. And with the weather impeding some of our services in January, I am especially looking forward to many more services this month to worship together (Lord willing of course)! And on that note, it was great to see so many of your favorite sports franchise perform so well in the post-season and I’m just so happy for you all that the Chiefs are going to the Super Bowl! Congrats to all the Chiefs fans! It will be exciting to see the big game together with some of you at our Super Bowl party in our fellowship hall. Go Chiefs!!!
I’m pleased to announce that we will be starting a series in the book of 1 John together this month titled: “Evidence & Assurance: Serious Questions About Genuine Christianity”. It’s a book I’ve always wanted to preach through and I think it will be a great place for us to start as the first book I will preach at FBC. There’s so much challenging and encouraging truth packed into this book that I’m just excited to see how God’s Word equips and builds us up together! And as we observed together in my first sermon as you pastor from Psalm 119; the Word of God is central to the way God builds his people up, so join me in praying that God would bless us through the study of his Word!
Also, if you ever end up missing a sermon in the series, you will now have an opportunity to catch up and listen to the sermon since we will be posting them online for you to listen to if you miss or if you’d just like to listen again to any given sermon or even share them with others as well.
And for those of us who are finishing up our first month of our new reading plan (the M’Cheyne reading plan), I hope you have found it to be a blessing as we have explored a few books already to start off the year. It’s amazing to continue to see all that God has to reveal in His Word through the regular daily intake of larger portions of Scripture throughout the year. And what a blessing it is to even be reading it together for many of us! And on that note, I’m excited for our evening worship services to continue this month as we will gather to sing together, continue to be further edified by God’s Word together, and as we pray corporately together to our Great God!
Lastly, please know that I am praying for you. Please also pray for me as well.
Pastor Daniel Pelichowski