FBC Gallatin,
It has been quite an eventful summer at FBC and I am just thankful for the good work the Lord is doing in and through our church. On June 26th, during a specially called business meeting, the members of FBC voted to generously support the work at GTS by providing a generous sum of money upfront, as well as continued monthly support to Sam and his family in our strategic gospel motivated partnership. He and his family have now arrived in Abu Dhabi and are getting settled in and he is working hard to prepare for the Fall semester to begin with a new crop of students. Pray for gospel fruit in the lives of all who attend to learn from the riches of God’s Word so that they might grow and then be used by God in the lives of many others in the future.
We also had the great opportunity to host the CEO of Creation Ministries International to share with us two very helpful apologetics sermons on biblical creation! This coincided really nicely and led us to the start of our “Zoomerang” theme VBS created by Answers in Genesis (AIG) which focused on the sanctity of life in early July. And with the providentially timed Dobbs decision that occurred only weeks before that overturned Roe v. Wade, it couldn’t be a better time to start a VBS on that theme! I even decided to preach two sermons on Psalm 139 relating to human dignity and worth and to also go on and embark on two final sermons on abortion worldviews as well. Now I think this is all such great ministry at FBC because I believe these important biblical topics of the image of God in man, bioethics, human sexuality, and biblical creation, are all majorly important themes confronting Christians in our world today. It is my prayer that our opportunity to be able to devote so much time and thought on these themes will prove to be useful to strengthen the members at FBC to have answers and confidence in light of the many competing worldviews we’re faced with all around us.
And on top of all of this, we have added 5 news church members the last few months to join us in meaningful membership for the glory of God! And also, Pastor Wood and his wife Ashley took our youth and children to 3 consecutive weeks of camp focusing on the early chapters of Acts. And after visiting, I was just struck by the amount of Bible truth the students received and all the wonderful fun they had in a variety of setting and activities. Please pray for fruit to come from all this great gospel ministry at FBC this summer!
And by way of future announcement for this coming month, please make it a priority to attend our August 21st specially called business meeting immediately following our morning worship service to decide together on the digital church sign that our committee (Whitney, Darrel, Shelly, and Scott) has researched so well and brought before us to consider.
And with all of this great ministry behind us, we have so much more to look forward to in terms of more gospel centered biblical ministry in the future as we continue to glorify God by building up and reaching out through expository preaching, intentional discipleship, and Great Commission focus!
Pastor Daniel Pelichowski