FBC Gallatin,
In a year where many of our normal activities have been canceled, I am so thankful that we have been able to consistently provide worship services in albeit, different ways than we have experienced in the past. I’m also thankful that many of us have been able to worship together in person now for the last few months after our initial online only streaming “season” from March to May. Many churches around the world have not had this great opportunity so we pray for them while also being thankful to God for providing us the great blessing of having less restrictions than many states and even surrounding towns and cities.
This has been so important for us to meet because the encouragement that God gives us all when we gather or watch online and worship Him is something we always need as believers, but in this season, we especially need more and more of it don’t we? Gathering together week in and week out, in our Sunday School ministry, worship services, evening prayer services, and our business meetings, continue to remind us all that God is in control and that his Kingdom and purposes are going forward even when everything else is either heavily modified or canceled altogether. This is true always but when we gather to worship, we are reminded afresh and motivated to seek first His Kingdom in the midst of all the distractions and anxieties that abound.
And we have come a very long way since we began our series in 1st John Evidence & Assurance: Serious Questions About Genuine Christianity way back in February before the pandemic changed everything for us. God has sustained us through unprecedented times and we had a few unexpected series of sermons including an online only Good Friday and Easter livestream series, and another series bringing our evening worship prayer service to the morning worship hour during the COVID-19 pandemic shelter in place. So, although we are much later in the year finishing up our 20 week sermon series in 1st John, it is now coming to an end this month and we will be moving into a new sermon series in the book of Genesis exploring the first 11 chapters of the book titled Creation, Fall, Consequences that will begin this month.
I ask that you would pray for me as I study and prepare to preach whenever you think of it because I need your prayers. And we all need God to continue to work in all of our lives and church and we know He will, however, we also know that we are called to ask Him and make our requests known to Him in our prayers. So please know that I pray for you as well and also pray for our church and varied teaching ministries as well as other ministries that edify the body seen below. And since God works through His Word, and we have seen Him working through our various teaching ministries and services, we just need to continue to pray along those lines because God will continue to build up believers and even convert unbelievers through our local church here in Gallatin through His Word!
These opportunities for the Word to work in various and powerful ways include church members at FBC sharing the Gospel at work, or to their children, family, friends, and neighbors. We also see opportunities for this amazing work during our Sunday School hour, and during our worship services, and evening prayer services, and our youth group doing apologetics on Wednesday nights, and in our Pioneer Clubs, and our Keenagers ministry, and at a ladies ministry coffee gathering, or at a choir practice, or during discipleship meetings of various kinds that happen with members of our church, or wherever God decides to work through His Word. So, we must pray together that God would graciously work through His Word to grow Christians and save unbelievers in our church and community.
Pastor Daniel Pelichowski